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For many people who decide to start a business themselves sit begins with a sole proprietorship. If you are going to use a company name other than your legal name, you'll need to file a DBA ("doing business as") with the county within Texas your business resides in order to register your sole proprietorship.

Preliminary clearance of your Nonprofit's name
Filing of Articles of Incorporation
Starting at $99 plus state filing fee.

Sole Proprietorship

  • Many people who decide to run a business themselves start with a sole proprietorship. If you are going to use a company name other than your legal name, you'll need to file a DBA("doing business as") with the county in order to register your sole proprietorship. Using Vine Business Services to file your DBA allows you to:

    Legally conduct business and gain valuable rights.

    Completion time of your filing is 7-10 business days depending on availability of content provided by client.

    Notification of final completed documents will be sent via email for your immediate reference.

    Open a bank account under the business name

  • Standard fee is $99.00 , expedited fee is $139.00. County filing fee is $20.00.

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