Filing of LLC state documents to form your Limited Liability Company. Filing your LLC will allow you to shield your personal assets from business liabilities as well allow you the flexibility to run your business as you wish.
(LLC) Limited Liability Company
The Limited Liability Company (LLC), a hybrid of the partnership and the corporation, has become a popular legal alternative for business owners. Now available in almost all states, the LLC combines the benefits of limited liability and pass through taxation, much like an S corporation. The LLC's legal structure is much more flexible, allowing many companies that find S corporation status too restrictive to take advantage of its benefits.
Standard fee is $99.00. Texas state filing fee is $301.00.
Completion time of your filing is 5-7 business days depending on availability of content provided by client.
Notification of final completed documents will be sent via email for your immediate reference.
The Limited Liability Company (LLC), a hybrid of the partnership and the corporation, has become a popular legal alternative for business owners. Now available in almost all states, the LLC combines the benefits of limited liability and pass through taxation, much like an S corporation. The LLC's legal structure is much more flexible, allowing many companies that find S corporation status too restrictive to take advantage of its benefits.
Expedited fee is $159.00. Texas state filing fee is $301.00.
Completion time of your filing is 3-4 business days depending on availability of content provided by client.
Notification of final completed documents will be sent via email for your immediate reference.