It's possible to convert your business from one type of entity into another type of entity. For example, if you're set up as an LLC and you want to convert to a Corporation, or the other way around, you can do so with the right paperwork. Vine Business Services can help you file your certificate of conversion.
Certificate of Conversion
It's possible to convert your business from one type of entity into another type of entity. For example, if you're set up as an LLC and you want to convert to a Corporation, or the other way around, you can do so with the right paperwork. Vine Business Services can help you file your Certificate of Conversion.
Completion time of your filing is 7-10 business days depending on availability of content provided by client.
Notification of final completed documents will be sent via email for your immediate reference.
The standard registration fee is $224.00, the expedited registration fee is $324.00. The standard government registration fee is $601.00 The expedited government registration fee is $626.00.
Completion time of your filing is 7-10 business days depending on availability of content provided by client.
Notification of final completed documents will be sent via email for your immediate reference.